March 2024
“We’re all going to the Zoo today and you can come too!!”
Perth Zoo – A World Leading Conservation Zoo
A talk by Brian Easton AO
Brian Easton, former CEO of the Perth Zoo will tell us of what going to work at the Zoo is really like – and its not all Monkey Business!
Hear of the highly successful breeding programmes of endangered species for which the Perth Zoo has gained International recognition and acclaim.
Our Zoo is one of the world’s leading conservation zoos, supporting local, regional and international projects designed to conserve species in the wild.
Margaret River District Club, 11 Tunbridge Street
Thursday 21st March at 10.00am
Stay for morning tea afterwards
FREE event for members.
Visitors welcome – gold coin donation please
RSVP by Monday 18 March to
February 2024
You are invited to join us in viewing and hearing about
the community art project Insidious then join in a
discussion about this work to heighten our awareness
of the impact of weeds in the Barrett St Reserve,
and all our bushland and national parks.
Weed Walk & Talk
View the INSIDIOUS installation, then join in a WEED WALK to identify the key weeds we are highlighting in the Barrett St Reserve.
THURSDAY 29 February, 2024. 8.30am to 11am
Early start to avoid potential heat, as we do a short walk to the INSIDIOUS
installation behind the Old Settlement.
Meet at the main school building and follow the signs.
Then informative talks from Mike Griffiths (Nature Conservation MR),
Hayley Bain (Shire of AMR), and Maureen Munro (Friends of Barrett St Reserve).
Morning tea, provided by the Historical Society at the Old Settlement.
Please remember to bring hat and water bottle!
FREE event for members.
Visitors welcome – gold coin donation please
RSVP by Saturday 24 February to
November 2023
“Converting Hobby 3D printers into Powerful Tools for Medical Research”
Paul undertook his PhD as part of a bioengineering team at the Lions Institute, Perth, that successfully took an artificial cornea from concept to use in the eye clinic.
He has gone on to travel the world and invent a 3D printing technology that is used to research many injuries and diseases.
“The Power of Organisation Design for Social and Environmental Impact”
Jodie is a Consultant and Founder of Orgdesign Works, helping design and implement effective ways of working. She believes in corporations as a force for good and is passionate about designing organizations for greater impact.
Jodie has a Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Psychology from University of Western Australia.
Friday 24 November 2pm at the Margaret River Uniting Church, 60 Tingle Avenue followed by afternoon tea.
Come and listen to this fascinating talk by partners Paul and Jodie, both originally from WA and now world leaders in their own fields of expertise
This is a FREE event for members. Visitors welcome for a gold coin donation.
Please RSVP by Monday 20 November to
August 2023
What are fossil fuels?
Fossil fuels are hydrocarbons. They are found over a range of geological conditions and how they are produced and used cause greenhouse gas emissions and other environmental damage.
Replacing fossil fuels with alternatives is progressing, and there are opportunities to use some of the fuels with far less of an environmental impact than we do now.
10am Tuesday 29 August, Margaret River District Club, 11 Tunbridge Street
A free for U3A members talk by Peter Lane, visitors welcome with gold coin donation.
Please RSVP to by 27 August.
July 2023
The University of the Third Age
originated in France in 1973
You are invited to join Margaret River U3A for an
evening event to celebrate this 50th Birthday
on Bastille Day.
Friday 14 July 6pm at the MR District Club.
A three course dinner with a French theme,
drinks and music
$45 each for members and partners.
Come at 6pm for a fun filled French frolic!
Please choose your main course from:
Boeuf Bourguignon
Coq au Vin
Roast Vegetable Tart
RSVP with names and food choice to by Monday 5 July
February 2023
Clara Butt: An Idol for Australia
A presentation by writer and BBC broadcaster Andrew Green
In his talk Andrew describes the extraordinary appeal of operatic star Clara Butt.
The Perth Performances at ‘the Maj’ are a case study for Colossal Clara’s astonishing appeal…and the way she was managed/exploited.
It goes without saying that this presentation will feature dazzling Clara Butt recordings.
Thursday 23 February
Morning tea at 10 am followed by the talk
Margaret River District Club
11 Tunbridge Street, Margaret River
This is a FREE event for members.
Visitors welcome for a gold coin donation.
Please RSVP
By Mon 20th Feb to
January 2023
To join U3A for 2023 (just $40)
Go to
You will be guided to our computerised membership and enrolment system.
You can attend U3A membership and enrolment days at the
Mainbreak Room, Shire Offices, Wallcliffe Road, Margaret River
Thursday 19 January between 10.00am and 12.00 noon
or Monday 23 January between 1.00pm and 3.00pm
On these two enrolment dates only, membership and course fees can be paid in cash or by cheque at the venue.
Twenty four courses to choose from – and NO exams
North American Art (20th-21st Centuries)
Introduction to Feltmaking
Fun with Glass
Photography as an Art Form
Going Potty with Bill
Wondrous Watercolours: Unit 1
Introduction to Boot Scooting
Classical Music Appreciation
Singalong to the Sixties Plus
Singing Accompanied with Ukulele
Travelling and Living in Remote Places
The Great Western Woodlands of WA
A Changing World: Challenges & Opportunities
While our organisation mainly attracts older members of the Margaret River community, we are pleased to welcome anyone who is interested in life-long learning and who would like to join.
November 2022
The Diversity of Styles in Aboriginal Rock Art
Regions across Australia
Dr Mike Donaldson OAM will share his knowledge and research of Aboriginal rock art.
He has extensive global background in mineral exploration, associated research and geological mapping.
Joint SPECIAL EVENT with the U3A Naturaliste Club of Busselton
Margaret River District Club
11 Tunbridge Street, Margaret River.
Friday 18 November
10.30am arrive for morning tea
11am presentation.
This is a FREE event
Please RSVP
By 10th Nov to
October 2022
Spring time is nature at its best.
Come for a walk round some of Augusta’s loveliest gardens.
Starting with Sally and Peter’s home garden, this year with a new theme.
Followed by morning tea (U3A shouting coffee/tea)
Then a walk around Flinders Bay oldest gardens with Criena.
Wednesday 26th October
Please meet at 5 Molloy Street, Augusta.
11.15am at Colourpatch Café for morning tea or lunch.
1.30pm Meet at 5 Wishart Road, Flinders Bay.
Remember to wear study shoes and a hat.
This monthly event has limited numbers
so is open to members ONLY.
RSVP to Bunty
September 2022
10am Thursday 15 September
St. Margaret of Scotland
Anglican Church Hall
11 Station Road
Margaret River
Tasting and Experiencing Extra Virgin Olive Oils
Uses and Benefits of EVOO
Extra Virgin Olive Oil (EVOO) is now one of the exciting key foods of our region.
Jill James and Thelma Burnett, two experienced national judges will lead a two hour interactive session to explain the importance, flavours and aromas and health benefits of using EVOO in different foods.
Participants will have an introduction to olive varieties and regional differences.
The importance of flavours and aromas and tasting new seasons local EVOO will be explained in fun group exercises.
The session will conclude with pairing EVOO with your
favourite foods plus some tasty treats.
This session has a 20 person maximum so get in quick!
RSVP By Monday 12th September to
Look for our U3A sign on Station Road.
Parking on site.
August 2022
More than just football!
We are delighted to advise you that our August Event is something you will find awe-inspiring!
In 2000 two men had an idea that would become a National Educational program that encourages young Indigenous men to stay at school to Year 12. Using football as a carrot, to keep them at school there are over 10,000 young men in the program across Australia. Many gain tertiary qualifications, vocational education, and apprenticeships, therefore, allowing them to look forward to having a better future..
It is a remarkable story and one you will enjoy.
Please join us on Thursday 25th August when Ross Kelly AO, Chairman of The Clontarf Foundation will tell you the story.
Thursday 25th August 6pm
Bar open from 5pm
Margaret River District Club Tunbridge Street, Margaret River
Visitors Most Welcome,
Gold coin donation at the door.
Free event for U3A members
Please RSVP to
July 2022
Lunch with Patrick Cornish
Fifty Shades of Truth
Patrick trained as a journalist in Wales, and over more than half a century has written thousands of newspaper and magazine articles … many of which have born out his view that people are endlessly fascinating.
But fallible.
He is now a freelance journalist, a regular contributor to the West Australian … and has written well over 650 obituaries.
Patrick’s major priority now is writing books with a biographical bent.
Thursday 28 July
11am with lunch from 12 midday
Margaret River District Club
11 Tunbridge Street, Margaret River.
Menu $25
Main Course:
Chicken Breyani or Vegetable Pilaf
Both served with sambals.
Dessert: Lemon Meringue Pie
Tea & Coffee
Bar available
Talk is FREE event
Stay for lunch $25
Please RSVP with lunch choices.
By 25 July to
May 2022
Talk and Lunch with Bill Bunbury
‘The Country is Alive:
A sense of place among Aboriginal and other West Australians.’
Thursday 12 May
11am with lunch from 12 midday
Margaret River District Club
11 Tunbridge Street, Margaret River.
As relative newcomers to an unfamiliar continent early settlers attempted to reconcile themselves to its ecology and its people.
Bill illustrates this in literature and poetry.
Bill Bunbury joined the ABC in 1969 with his Radio History talks, has written 14 books and was awarded an Order of Australia for his services to broadcasting and Aboriginal communities.
Talk is FREE event
Stay for lunch $25 … menu below
Please RSVP with lunch choices
by 5th May to
Thai Sweet Potato Soup
Cauliflower, Pear & Blue Cheese Soup
Served with Crusty Bread
Main Course
Salmon & Broccoli Quiche
Goats Cheese, Tomato & Basil Quiche
Garden Salad
Chocolate Brownie
Tea & Coffee
Bar available
March 2022
‘Making Life Comfortable’ WA: From Campsite to Thriving State
In his talk, author and historian, Richard Offen, will trace how, from very humble and difficult beginnings, Western Australia, specifically the South West, slowly evolved from nothing more than a camp site into a thriving area with all ‘mod cons’ laid on.
Tuesday 15 March
10.30 am
Augusta Community Resource Centre
Stay for morning tea and a chat with Richard
Please RSVP By 8th March to or text/phone 0411 101 373
Members FREE event
Visitors a gold coin donation
Residents of Augusta are being offered an introductory U3A new member annual subscription of $25 (usually $40) to access over 25 U3A courses and monthly events.
Go to to register and enrol.
February 2022
Ever wonder how planes fly … and stay up in the sky?
Max Collings will enlighten us all!
Thursday 17th February
Church Gallery, MR Community Centre
33 Tunbridge Street, Margaret River
Max has had 48 years in aviation, starting with the RAAF,
then Cathay Pacific, Ansett, China Southern College.
Author of “International Safety.”
Max has flown everything from a Fokker 28 to a Boeing 707!
Stay for morning tea and a chat with Max
Please RSVP By 10th Feb to
Members FREE event
Visitors a gold coin donation
January 2022
To join U3A for 2022
(just $40)
Go to
You will be guided to our computerised
membership and enrolment system.
In-Person Enrolment
Monday December 13 2021 10:00 am – 12:00 noon
Thursday January 13 2022 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm
You can attend U3A membership and enrolment days at the Mainbreak Room, Shire Offices, 41 Wallcliffe Road, Margaret River
On these two enrolment dates only, membership and course fees can be paid in cash or by cheque at the venue.
Twenty five courses to choose from – and NO exams
Evolution of the Australian Novel
Remembering and Writing
The Play’s the Thing
Writing the Real
Community Singing
Boot Scooting
Gentle Salsa
Swimming Made Easy
Walking Margaret River
Guided Relaxation
Catholic Church Reform… WA’s Railway History… Traveling to Out-of-the-way Places… and MORE!
All welcome – you need to be aged 50 or over and not in full-time employment.
November 2021
A Visit to Max’s Garden
Patton Road, off Ellenbrook Road, Cowaramup
Thursday 28 October 10.30am
Morning Tea Fundraiser for River Angels
(Please bring $5 cash)
Enjoy walks around the garden
(note: water and steep slopes hazards)
Please RSVP By 25th Oct to
October 2021
The earth needs us to grow food differently!
Aquaponics is on the rise as more people turn to fish poo to grow local fresh produce.
John Bowskill’s Margaret River Aquafarm is the largest of its kind in Western Australia, come and learn more during our U3A visit.
Wednesday 13 October 10.30am
20 Morris Road Forest Grove
Head south from Witchcliffe, turn left into Rocky Road,
200 meters past the end of the bitumen turn right into
Morris Road, continue to end of the road and follow
the signs to the Aquafarm
Please RSVP By 8th Oct to
September 2021
July 2021
10am Tuesday 20 July
St. Margaret of Scotland
Anglican Church Hall
11 Station Road
Margaret River
Tasting and Experiencing Extra Virgin Olive Oils
Uses and Benefits of EVOO
Extra Virgin Olive Oil (EVOO) is now one of the exciting key foods of our region.
Jill James and Thelma Burnett, two experienced national judges will lead a two hour interactive session to explain the importance, flavours and aromas and health benefits of using EVOO in different foods.
Participants will have an introduction to olive varieties and regional differences.
The importance of flavours and aromas and tasting new seasons local EVOO will be explained in fun group exercises.
The session will conclude with pairing EVOO with your
favourite foods plus some tasty treats.
This session has a 20 person maximum so get in quick!
RSVP By 15th July to
Look for our U3A sign on Station Road.
Parking on site.
June 2021
We have two events on offer this month: In-person enrolment for Semester II courses, and a talk by Dr. Paul Wilkes. Enjoy!
In-Person Enrolment
Semester II is almost here! We will offer in-person enrolment at the Shire offices in two sessions-
- Monday 14 June, 10am-12pm
- Thursday 24 June, 1pm-3pm
The course program will be made available on the website here on 7 June. Enrolment on-line in UMAS will be available from 10am 14 June.
And for course leaders, a short session on course presentation will be held on Monday 14 June from 1pm to 2pm, also at the Shire offices.
Talk: Climate Change, Renewable Energy And Ways Forward by Dr. Paul Wilkes
Monday 21 June 2pm
Duggan Pavilion, Hall Road, Cowaramup
A summary of the most important aspects of global climate change and the consequences.
We clearly need to markedly reduce greenhouse gas emissions in electricity generation, agriculture, industry and transport.
This talk will provide Australian and international examples of how we can achieve the required changes.
Presented by Dr. Paul Wilkes, a geophysicist with wide international experience in energy ranging from nuclear power to oil, gas and geothermal.
Paul has worked in the private sector as well as in the public sector including time in Geoscience Australia, Curtin University and CSIRO.
Please RSVP By 15th June to
Look for our U3A sign on Bussell Highway
Stay for afternoon tea after Paul’s talk.
May 2021
This month, rather than have our own event, we instead are recommending that you consider attending one of the free events on offer at the Margaret River Reader’s and Writer’s festival.
See below for more information on these events- note that registration is required for several of them.
For more information about the Festival, click here.
Fantastic FREE EVENTS at the Margaret River Readers and Writers Festival
The 2021 Festival program is now LIVE and boasts a number of FREE events across the weekend, suitable for all ages. |
38. Put it in Writing with Mark Greenwood Friday 14th May, 10.00am – 11.30am Augusta Council Chambers FREE EVENT, REGISTRATION REQUIRED |
39. Ignite your Writing Workshop with Sasha Wasley Saturday 15th May, 10.00am – 11.30am Busselton Library FREE EVENT, REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED |
41. Creating Stories Writers Workshop with Rebecca Higgie Saturday 15th May, 2.00pm – 3.30pm Dunsborough Library FREE EVENT, REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED |
JULIA solo dance theatre work Readers & Writers Room, Margaret River HEART Friday 14th May, Saturday 15th May, Sunday 16th May 1.25pm – 1.45pm, 15min performance followed by 10min Q&A. FREE EVENT, ALL WELCOME (no ticket required, just come along and join us) |
44. The Wilding Stories Listening Lounge 14th – 16th May, HEART Upstairs Balcony Please be advised this audio installation contains emotive content. Three listening experiences, allow one hour. FREE EVENT, REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED |
March 2021
Hubert Wilkins and Douglas Mawson – Chalk and Cheese
A Talk by Peter Alcock
Tales of an extraordinary life as a Polar explorer, cinematographer, aviator and spy!
Monday, 22 March, 10am
Duggan Pavilion
Please RSVP to Bunty via email
or text 0411 101 373
December 2020
To join U3A for 2021 (just $40)
From 10am Monday 14 December go to You will be guided to our computerised membership and enrolment system.
OR attend U3A membership and enrolment days at the
Mainbreak Room, Shire Offices, Wallcliffe Road, Margaret River
on the following dates and times:
Monday 14 December 2020 10:00 am – 1:00 pm
Thursday 14 January 2020 12:00 noon – 2:00 pm
On these two enrolment dates only, membership and course
fees can be paid in cash or by cheque at the venue.
Twenty eight courses to choose from – and NO essays or exams
Art History – The Modernists
Wondrous Watercolours
Painting with Acrylics
The Garden Doctor
Pet Care Tips from a Vet
Dying to Know in MR
Health & Wellbeing in the Elderly
All the Worlds a Stage
The Story of the Novel
Writing Letters that get Action
Cryptic Crosswords
Opera 101
In Search of Fine Music
Understanding Jazz
The Bard in Song
All welcome – you need to be aged 50 or over and not in full-time employment.
November 2020
Note: there is text below the poster, if you are having difficulty reading it.
Join your fellow U3A members to celebrate
the end of an unforgettable year,
our good fortune in living in the South West,
and the friendship and support of our U3A friends.
The wonderful Riversong Choir will entertain us with festive music
followed by Margaret River Wine and Cheese
for an evening of laughter and love.
Wednesday 25 November
6.30pm to 9.30pm
Margaret River Lifestyle Village
410 Bussell Highway
Please RSVP to Bunty
Text 0411 101 373
By 23rd Nov
October 2020
Thursday 15th October 10am
The Church Gallery, Margaret River Community Centre
Barbara Scott OAM.
“I became very outspoken, saying every child in WA should
have access to early childhood development”
A champion of children, a teacher, activist and politician over the years. Writing government policies for expanding kindergarten and early childhood learning.
Limited numbers so please RSVP By 12 Oct
Stay for morning tea after Barbara’s talk.
September 2020
Tuesday 29th September
Visit Leeuwin’s famous Art Gallery with a guided tour by
the curator Tricia Horgan.
Meet at Leeuwin Estate Arts Gallery
downstairs entrance at 10.30am.
Limited numbers so please RSVP By Tuesday 22nd Sept
Stay for morning tea after the tour.
$5 each.