UMAS for Members is our on-line registration, enrolment and member management system for new and returning users.

Need to perform course leader or administrative functions? Click here for UMAS-Core

What is U3A?

U3A Margaret River is a member of an international movement founded in France in 1973 to promote and practice life-long learning through low cost educational opportunities in a relaxed and informal environment for seniors. We are a voluntary non-profit organisation.

The term University in this context stems from the original sense of the word:  A community of people sharing knowledge.

No prior educational qualifications are required and there are no tests or examinations.

Membership is available on an annual basis at a low cost for anyone aged 50 or over who is not in full time work. We particularly encourage new retirees or semi-retirees.

Fees for courses are minimal.  There is a basic registration fee to cover administrative costs including venue hire or materials where required.

What can we offer?

U3A Margaret River is committed to providing members with opportunities to interact through learning and teaching, without distinction between those who learn and those who teach.  We aim to foster the intellectual, cultural and creative abilities of our members.

As well as keeping minds active, we provide a social outlet to connect members to the community around them.

We are fortunate to have a vast amount of experience and knowledge within our community and we encourage all members to share it with us.

The guiding principles of self-help and mutual support are the very cornerstones of the U3A movement.


Courses are offered on a two semester basis (Feb-June & July-December) for paid up members. Currently available courses can be viewed in the Course Program. Other activities include: workshops, outings, meetings, special interest groups and book club.  One-off events are also offered as the opportunities arise. These are advertised on our Events page. 

Sharing Knowledge

U3A Margaret River is always looking for people willing and able to share their knowledge and expertise with others.  If you have any skills or information that you would like to share  please email Jeff Gresham, our current program coordinator at He would be happy to discuss any ideas with you. Courses generally range from two to six weeks, or occasionally, such as for languages, longer. So please come forward! We are a community rich in resources and ideas and this is a great way of sharing these within our community.

Model rules (Associations) 2016

We operate under model rules for not for profit organisations developed by the Government of W.A. which can be accessed via this link.