How to go online to enter your annual subscription
You can access the system by going directly to UMAS for Members.
Click on ‘Log in’ and enter your member number or email, and your password. If you have difficulty logging in, there are helpful links on the log in page.
You will arrive at your ‘My Membership’ page, where you can review and update any of the information about yourself and your membership.
Click on ‘Pay Membership’ to enter your subscription for the year. Click ‘Add To Cart’ for the subscription year, then ‘Checkout’ to view your invoice. See further below for payment information or proceed directly to enrol in courses.
Enrolling in courses
Having updated your membership you may now click on ‘Courses’ to see the courses on offer. You can click the blue ‘v’ icon to the right of the course dates to see more information about any course that you are interested in. In this expanded view, you will find ‘Add To Cart’ at the bottom; use this to enrol in the course.
Once you have all of the courses you would like in your cart, use ‘Checkout’ to finalise your enrolments and to see your invoice.
Payment information
We do not currently have any on-line payment option in our system. You can pay, via your online banking, directly into the U3A bank account (bank details below), or post us a cheque.
You can either make a separate payment for your annual subscription or wait until after you enrol in courses and make a single payment for everything. (Please do not pay for waitlisted courses until you have been notified that you have been placed in the course.)
Bank details for EFT payments are:
- Account name: University of the Third Age Margaret River
- BSB: 086 798
- Acct. No.: 140224516.
Cheques must be made payable to: The University of the Third Age, Margaret River. The bank will not accept any other wording. Cheques can be posted to us at U3A Treasurer, PO Box 1059, Margaret River 6258 WA.
Please ensure that your membership number is included with your payment however you make it.